Paris, France – In a shocking incident that unfolded in the heart of Paris, a disabled girl was sexually assaulted by an Afghan migrant who shouted “Allahu Akbar.” This appalling act of aggression once again raises concerns about France’s open border policies and the safety of its citizens.
The victim, a young girl confined to a wheelchair due to a degenerative disease, awaited an Uber driver on the Quai de Gèvres (IVe) late Tuesday night. As the car arrived, the driver stepped out to assist the girl into the vehicle. Then, an unknown assailant approached her, groping her chest in a vile act of sexual assault. Shockingly, the attacker then entered the car, attempting to steal it.
The driver then confronted the Afghan and tried physically removing him from the car. In the ensuing struggle, the assailant resorted to violence, repeatedly punching the driver in the face. The timely intervention of the Paris municipal police brought the ordeal to an end as they swiftly detained the suspect. Witnesses reported hearing the attacker repeatedly shouting the Islamic war cry, “Allahu Akbar,” adding another chilling dimension to the incident.
Both victims, the disabled girl and the driver who came to her aid, immediately filed complaints with the authorities. The suspect, an Afghan migrant, was subsequently taken into custody at the central Paris police station. Investigations revealed that the attacker was not under the influence of alcohol during the assault. The prosecution has forty-eight hours to determine the appropriate course of action in this case.
Islamic France
Islamic attacks in France are part of a new normal in a country struggling with mass illegal migration since 2015. France has the largest Muslim population of any European Union country. Muslims make up more than 10 percent of the population. Islam has become the country’s fastest-growing religion as Church memberships and tax revenues have decreased significantly.
“Over the past three decades, the French have granted official recognition to over 3,000 mosques and Islamic associations, enabling them to benefit from tax exemptions and other pecuniary advantages worth billions of euros,” reports Gatestone.
This distressing incident again raises important questions about France’s open border policies. The safety and well-being of French citizens should be the foremost priority of any responsible government. This incident is a stark reminder that failing to ensure rigorous border controls will result in grave consequences, endangering innocent lives.