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Leave Our Kids Alone Muslim Parents Take a Stand Against LGBTQ Ideology in Calgarys Schools Video

The power acquired by the Islamic community today could serve as a decisive force in fulfilling their ultimate ambition of establishing Sharia law as the governing system in Western nations.

On Friday, June 16, 2023, hundreds of concerned Muslim parents, citizens, and Islamic community members gathered in front of city hall in Calgary, Alberta, to voice their strong opposition to the increasing presence of LGBTQ+ ideology being taught in local schools. The protest aimed to protect the innocence of children and safeguard their right to a childhood free from sexualization.

Under the “Leave Our Kids Alone” banner, the demonstration drew a significant turnout, with many Muslim families leading the charge. The protesters passionately displayed signs bearing slogans such as “Let kids be kids” and “School is not a place for political activism,” reflecting their belief that schools should prioritize education rather than promoting specific ideological agendas. Protesters do not want the inclusion of LGBTQ+ ideology in school curriculums.

The atmosphere was charged with emotion as chants of “leave our kids alone” filled the air, resonating with passing motorists who expressed their support by honking their car horns. Religious leaders addressed the crowd, delivering speeches advocating for protecting children’s innocence and emphasizing parental rights and control over their children’s education.


In contrast to the sizable presence of concerned parents, the counter-protest comprised a relatively small group consisting primarily of older women, with a few transgender activists joining their ranks. It is worth noting that some activists argued against opposing the Muslim families’ protest, citing concerns about the potential misrepresentation of the queer community as Islamophobic. Another factor limiting the counter-demonstrations by the left is the speculation about potential repercussions and safety issues, as engaging in direct confrontation with the Muslim community could have unpredictable consequences.

The concerns expressed by Calgary’s Muslim families regarding the sexualization of children through the introduction of LGBTQ+ ideology in schools have been fueled by recent incidents. Notably, a transgender activist was charged with two counts of hate-motivated assault against a Christian protester during similar protests in Alberta. These incidents have further intensified the worries of parents who fear that the education system is impeding their ability to safeguard their children’s well-being and shield them from concepts that they deem inappropriate for their age and developmental stage.

The protest in Calgary represents a growing movement of parents asserting their rights and expressing their concerns about the ideological direction of education. Muslim parents, in particular, have joined this wave of demonstrations, driven by a determination to ensure their children’s upbringing aligns with their Islamic culture, laws, and religion.

It is crucial to exercise constant vigilance and caution regarding the potential consequences of alliances formed during specific battles. While conservatives may currently find common ground with the Muslim community in their joint fight against the sexualization of children and the promotion of an LGBTQ+ agenda in schools, we must consider the long-term implications carefully. History has repeatedly demonstrated that gaining power in one area can lead to misusing that power in other aspects.

At present, conservatives are understandably pleased that the Muslim community is supporting their efforts to protect children from sexualization in schools and prevent the teaching of an LGBTQ agenda. However, it is essential to acknowledge that if and when Muslims succeed in these battles, their assistance will also strengthen Islamic influence. The concern arises when this accumulated power could potentially be utilized to implement their long-term objectives, such as eliminating the teaching of the Holocaust in schools, how Islam and Islamic history is taught, propagating negative views about Israel, suppressing mentions and celebrations of Christmas, enforcing full coverage of girls in schools, or promoting the notion of girls as second-class citizens, and the crushing of freedom of speech in whatever way may be a threat to the view of Islam as they wish it presented. The power they gain today could ultimately serve their ultimate goal of imposing Sharia law in Western nations.

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