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Violent Clashes Over Illegal Ramadan Businesses in UK Muslims Seize Contol of Streets Attack Police Injure Officers Video

The streets of Birmingham have been transformed into a violent battleground as Muslims unleashed their fury on West Midlands Police and Birmingham City Council during Ramadan. The authorities attempted to address the rampant problem of illegal street trading during the Islamic holiday, but their efforts were met with vehement opposition and violence from the Muslim community, who account for more than 30% of the population of Birmingham.

The Small Heath neighborhood has been particularly affected, with Muslims taking over public streets to establish illegal stalls selling halal food and Islamic clothing throughout the night. This has led to widespread complaints from locals about increased traffic, noise, litter, and blocked roads, causing significant inconvenience.

A local news station spoke with locals who said the illegal stalls affected their daily lives.



Despite the concerted efforts of West Midlands Police and Birmingham City Council to investigate and regulate the illegal street trading, the Muslim community has responded with violence and aggression. In one incident, an officer was even injured by one of the many bottles and projectiles were thrown from the crowd.

This alarming situation highlights the ongoing issues of many British Muslims and Islamic migrants refusing to abide by the laws of the United Kingdom. Those who continue to engage in illegal trading or obstruct public roads must be held accountable and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


As reported previously at RAIR Foundation USA, half of Birmingham’s population will soon be Muslim. “There were 301,000 Muslims in Birmingham in 2018, making up 27% of the local population,” wrote the Birmingham Mail in 2019. “The number of Muslims has risen by 21% from 249,000 in 2011.” In addition, the same newspaper noted that Muslim children in the city now outnumber Christian ones.

“In the working-class district of Small Heath, in the eastern part of the city, 95 percent of the population is Muslim,” Le Figaro reported in 2017 about Birmingham.

“Some shops have different closing times corresponding to those of the daily prayers… The bookstores are religious. Travel agencies guarantee ‘Muslim friendly’ holidays with destinations where customers – especially female customers – are offered access to facilities with non-mixed spaces and swimming pools where women can swim and ‘preserve modesty’”.

No one knows what Britain will be like in 30 years. We might, however, be concerned about a scenario in which large parts of the UK and Europe could resemble Pakistan. Brexit or not, that would be the end of Britain as we know it.

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