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Conquered NYC Call to Prayer Will Be Blasted From Loudspeakers Five Times a Day Muslims Spit on 911 Victims Video

Egyptian activist Rana Abdel Hamid celebrated her win by claiming that she and other Muslims were the actual victims of the September 11, 2001 Islamic terrorist attacks and that they should “unapologetically” Islamize the city.

An Egyptian-American won a United States city approval for the Islamic call to prayer (Adhan) to be blasted from loudspeakers five times a day at three mosques in her New York neighborhood during Ramadan.

Muslim community organizer and politician Rana Abdel Hamid posted on several media platforms that she received approval Monday from the Astoria neighborhood, known as “Little Egypt.” The neighborhood is situated west of Queens in New York City. Muslims celebrated the further Islamization of New York City, “I feel like it’s beautiful, like coming back from Egypt, somewhere that where that’s normal,” said one Egyptian Astoria resident.

Muslims in the Astoria neighbourhood of Queens, New York, were overjoyed to hear the Muslim call to prayer for the first time on loudspeakers from a mosque, after an American with Egyptian roots successfully ran a campaign

— Middle East Eye (@MiddleEastEye) March 30, 2023

Abdel Hamid, a failed Democrat congressional candidate, and her mother, Mona El-Baghdadi, have fought tirelessly to Islamize the neighborhood. The pair have campaigned for the call to prayer (Adhan) to be blasted through loudspeakers atop mosques in the streets of Astoria to intimidate unbelievers.

El-Baghdadi celebrated her win on Facebook and posted a picture of herself and her daughter. In the photo, she held a paper showing the city’s approval and captioned the image: “Praise be to Allah, O Allah, cherish Islam and Muslims… Finally, finally, after 31 years in America, I can hear the Adhan in the street.”

Egyptian media boasted of the Islamic victory and highlighted El-Baghdadi filming the Adhan being blasted from a mosque in Astoria:


Muslims were the actual victims on September 11

Hamid also celebrated her win by claiming that she and other Muslims were the actual victims of the September 11, 2001, Islamic terrorist attacks and that they should “unapologetically” Islamize the city. Her tactics are familiar, as many, many other Muslims have played the same card. After every Islamic massacre and every Muslim terror plot, we hear it again: the actual victims of the attack are Muslims.

The Islamic activist echoed similar victim sentiments as one of her personal heroes, U.S. representative for Michigan’s 12th congressional district Rashida Tlaib.

Tlaib claimed she was ‘afraid’ of Americans after 9/11 and that her fear encouraged her to enter politics. She told her family to be ‘very careful about who they hang out with’ due to their Arab heritage.

Islamic tactic: Church Bells

Furthermore, Hamid claims that if church bells are allowed to ring, why can’t “our” prayer be made visible too? Comparing the Adhan with church bells is another tactic deployed in western countries to get their supremacist “prayers” approved. Meanwhile, crosses and church bells are illegal where Islamic law is applied.

Tomas Samuel, a former imam, says that according to Islamic text, the Muslim call to prayer “shows power and control over the country.”

Samual cites one of the most important books for Islamic law, “Omdat Al-Ahkam”;

“Adhan is a very important ritual in the religious practice of Islam, one can liken it to the Muslim flag. Its proclamation shows that the people of the city are Muslims.”

Samuel continues to explain that even though it might appear to some that church bells and prayer calls are the same, they are not…

“Church bells are not a confession, it’s just a musical sound. They are not trying to assert power and control over the country. In addition, most churches do not use the bells, several do not even have any.’ ‘The difference is obvious,’ writes Tomas Samuel. The prayer call is called ‘Adhan’ in Arabic and means “information, enlightenment.’ ‘The prayer call comes for essentially two reasons: it will remind people of when it is time to pray, and the prayer call will proclaim Islam over a city.’”

Controversial ‘Call to Prayer’

The Adhan, now audible in parts of New York City, declares the supremacy of Allah of Islam and is considered a “warlike declaration.” The following is a translation of the Adhan by RAIR Foundation USA:

Allah is greater [than your God], (Allahu akbar); intoned four times.
I testify that there is no god [who is worthy of worship] except Allah.
I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
Come to prayer. Come to prayer.
Come to success. Come to success.
Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest.
There is no god except Allah.

Superior to Christians

The Adhan sends the strongest message to Christians that Allah is superior to the Trinity and Jesus. Dr. Gavin Ashenden, the former chaplain to the British queen who resigned his position in protest against a Qur’an reading in a Scottish church, observed that “the Muslim call to prayer is a dramatic piece. It proclaims Islam’s superiority over all other religions and, in so doing, casts Jesus in the role of a charlatan and a liar. The Muslim god, Allah, is unknowable and has no son. Jesus was, therefore, a fraud in claiming He and the Father are one.”

Allahu Akbar – Islamic War Cry

Why would New York City broadcast the cry “Allahu akbar,” the beloved battle cry screamed by Muslims during Islamic terror attacks? “Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!” were the last words from the cockpit of Flight 93 – the plane hijacked by four al-Qaeda terrorists on the morning of September 11, 2001, as part of the September 11 Islamic terrorist attacks.

Chief 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta, who slammed a plane into the North Tower of the World Trade Center as part of the coordinated attacks, wrote this in his letter to himself before carrying out his jihad mission:

When the confrontation begins, strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world. Shout, ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers.”

This is why the Fort Hood jihad killer, Nidal Malik Hasan, shouted it as he shot thirteen Americans in November 2009 and why so many other Muslim terrorists have used it essentially as an announcement that non-Muslims are about to die reports Jihad Watch.

Declaration of Islamic Supremacy

Ex-Muslim and former communist Ridvan Aydemir, known as the ‘Apostate Prophet,’ reports that Adhan declares all religions except Islam false and is a symbol and declaration of Islamic supremacy. Aydemir explains the offensive nature of the Adhan, comparing it to “singing and broadcasting nazi songs in Jewish cities and neighborhoods.”

Imagine escaping a country that would “jail, lynch, beat, and torture” their citizens for leaving Islam, only to be forced to listen to the Adhan again. Aydemir explained:

…many other people around the world who live in countries where they cannot leave Islam. Well they can’t say I have left Islam because there they could be executed, they could be punished, they could be thrown in jail, lynched, beaten, tortured… Imagine we come from those cultures – come to the west, come to free countries like America and Canada – and here suddenly we hear that same dominating supremacist march over us and our naive American neighbor says well it’s just their religion let him have it…

Aydemir assures Westerners that “There is no religious obligation for them [Muslims] to blast it [Adhan] outside in cities that are in non-Muslim lands.” He assures westerners bound by political correctness that their “concerns and anger about this intrusive, this vile practice” of religious supremacy is not “Islamophobic,” nor hateful or intolerant.

if you – a Western person – since we have to be so politically correct, if you want to reject and voice your disagreement, your concern your anger about this intrusive this vile practice then you are not bigoted, you’re not Islamophobic, you’re not hateful, you’re not intolerant, you’re not any of those bad things. You are simply rejecting a shameless disturbing practice of religious supremacism.

Watch Ridvan Aydemir’s video about the Adhan and its meaning:


Psychological Warfare

As reported at RAIR, Islamic supremacists use psychology on those they aim to conquer. For example, they know it’s essential to make people in the West accustomed to celebrating Islamic holidays or hearing the call to prayer. If heard or recognized often enough, it no longer seems out of place and instead becomes as normal as hearing church bells ringing or seeing Christmas decorations. So just this past weekend, across the country on the east coast in New York City, Islamic supremacists seized control of Times Square for Ramadan.

Meanwhile, in some Islamic lands, it is illegal for Churches to ring bells or decorate for Christian holidays, as per Islamic law (Sharia). The same concept applies to seeing women walking the streets in burkas or watching as the halal sections of grocery stores slowly occupy more space. These seemingly small concessions are strategic wins in Islamic supremacists’ larger battle to conquer “Dar Al Harb,” or the non-Islamic parts of the world.

Islam has a long history of triumphalism in its conquest of non-Muslim power centers, which is also part of its strategy. It’s not accidental that Muslims built a mosque over the Great Cathedral of Cordoba to symbolize its conquest of Spain. Nor is it by chance that Muslims fought to build a giant mosque adjacent to the World Trade Center and call it “The Cordoba Mosque.” This also applies to Judaism’s most central and sacred site in Jerusalem; the Jewish religion holds that the Arc of the Covenant is buried under the Temple Mount. It is the holiest site for Jews, yet Jewish people may not pray or perform any religious behavior there. Muslims built The Dome of the Rock and The Al Aqsa Mosque there as beachheads and triumphalist symbols of conquest while inventing and enforcing a narrative of claim of territory and history.

Is multiculturalism or other religions mentioned by any Islamic leaders, promoted in the Islamic press, or appears in any form in Muslim countries? The West is told to embrace multiculturalism & respect each other’s beliefs, ideals & values. However, Islam does not reciprocate.

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