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Click Here if You Are a Muslim 2

Testimonials 2

After our trainings we ask people if they would recommend us to others, and here's what some people have said:

  • Thank you so much for this class! It has really changed my view and given me a love for these people that I didn't have before.
    Carmen Fullerton, California
  • Definitely. It was so informative and it is awesome how God has changed my heart and helped me to feel compassion for these people who are being misled.
    Linda San Antonio, Texas
  • I have been praying since 2009 for the Lord to let me see a Muslim come to Christ. Tonight God answered my prayer! I met a young Muslim woman. I talked with her about the 'scales' and about 'Isa.' She had been longing for Him. She prayed to receive Jesus and will be getting baptized. Thank you Jesus.
    Angie Ontario, California
  • I wanted to share with you great news! Today I was able to witness to a Muslim woman, and she received Christ! Thanks for supplying me with knowledge I would not have known had I not taken your class. Hopefully it's stories like mine that make you go.
    Bethany Irvine, California
  • I believe Islam is emerging as one of the major factors in world events today and we as Christians need to know how to defend our faith and bring the saving knowledge of Jesus to a lost world.
    Lisa Terrell, Texas
  • Last week I invited several Muslim ladies to the Women's Tea . . . I have a totally different perspective on how to share with my neighbors since I took your class last summer.
    Ana Liberty Hill, Texas
  • Your class made it possible for us to know how to witness to Muslims. Several are close to converting!
    Cheryl Jesus Frees Ministries: Nyeri, Kenya
  • Absolutely. This course was very enlightening. I learned far more than expected. I have enjoyed it throughly.
    Mike Bellflower, California
  • Yes, the course imparts a lot of valuable information and equips learners with the beginning tools that they can use to reach Muslims.
    Bob Diamond Bar, California
  • Absolutely, because I believe all Christians have Muslims in their lives in some way or another. With the great population of Muslims in California alone, learning is a must for every Christian. We need tools to take all fear away.
    Angie Chino Hills, California
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